Getting started

This tutorial is a step-by-step guide to use Git FTP along with Git for your projects

1. Create a new site

Create a site

2. Fill select your git repository

Repo details

Repository path – path to your local git repository.

Sync Root – a path within your repository that you wish on the only upload. If you are committing design document and other files that you don’t want to upload to the server.

Branch – git-branch you wish to deploy. It’s recommended to use a different branch for development and deployment if you are using the auto-deploy-feature.

Current – the last commit deployed on site. If you have never deployed check “Deploy All Files.” Once set GitFTP-Deploy will automatically take care of this.

3. Set up server connection

Server The URL or IP to your server

Protocol – FTP, SFTP and FTPS is available

Server – Domain name or IP-address to your server

User Name – Your username

Password – If you are using password-less login and have keys, leave this empty and GitFTP-Deploy will find the keys automatically. [Read more here].

Remote Path – The remote path from where is your home on your server

Port – If you are using any custom ports, you can fill it in here. Otherwise, leave this empty.

Auto-deploy on commit – When this feature is enabled, a deployment is triggered every on every commit. Can very convenient but also a bit risky.

4. Deploy!

Deploy Uncheck file you want to exclude from being deployed. Click Deploy!
